Government of the Russian Federation
The Government of the Russian Federation is a public authority carrying out the executive functions of the Russian Federation in accordance with the composition of federal agencies and under the general leadership of the President of the Russian Federation.
The Government of the Russian Federation ensures the implementation of a unified socially-oriented state policy in the Russian Federation, operating across the fields of culture, science, education, healthcare and social security, and undertaking efforts to support, strengthen and protect the family, preserve traditional family values, and safeguard the environment. It is guided in its activities by the principles of the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws, and the principles of popular sovereignty, responsibility, openness, ensuring the rights and freedoms of humans and citizens, and the unity of the system of public power.

The Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS)
is a consultative body elaborating draft legislative acts of mutual interest. The main attention is paid by the IPA CIS to issues related with rapprochement and harmonization of legislations of the CIS members. Pattern (model) laws of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly represent international, first of all European legal standards adapted to the Commonwealth realities.
The IPA CIS is a separate inter-state organization and has the powers to settle international agreements with other subjects of international law. The IPA CIS has signed treaties with several leading international organization, including the United Nations, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the Latin-American Parliament, the Central American Parliament, the Pan-African Parliament and many others.
The Chairman of the Council of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly is the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Valentina Matvienko.

The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
is the upper chamber of the parliament of the Russian Federation. Its main function is to carry out the legislative powers. The Federation Council like each member of the Federation Council has the right of legislative initiative. The organization of work of the Federation Council is done in two main directions:
- the Federation Council jointly with the State Duma takes part in elaboration of draft laws, consideration of laws and adoption of decisions on them;
- in implementing the right of legislative initiative the Federation Council elaborates by its own the draft federal laws and federal constitutional laws.

Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation
The ministry is a federal executive body that performs such functions as developing state policy and legal regulation concerning the study, use, reproduction, and protection of natural resources, including subsoil, water bodies, forests, wildlife and their habitat, land relations associated with the transfer of water resource lands, forest resources, and lands of specially protected territories and sites (as regards lands of specially protected natural territories) to lands of another category, forest relations, hunting, hydrometeorology and related areas, state ecological monitoring (state environmental monitoring), which includes state monitoring of the radiation situation in the Russian Federation, as well as for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in environmental protection, including issues related to the management of production and consumption waste, air protection, state environmental oversight, specially protected natural areas, and state environmental expert evaluations.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation organizes and, within the scope of its authority, ensures the fulfilment of obligations arising from international treaties of the Russian Federation on issues related to the Ministry’s scope of activities.