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Russia’s Plan for Harnessing the Potential of Digital Technology

The 10th Nevsky International Ecological Congress will be taking place in St. Petersburg on 25–26 May. The Congress is devoted to harmonizing interaction between the state, business, and society in the interests of Russia’s environmental security. Participants will discuss issues relevant to national environmental protection strategies, the creation of an international ecological agenda, and spreading environmental awareness among the populace.

Considerable attention has been paid on the national level to problems of environmental well-being, to which the large number of related legal acts adopted may attest. A trend both global and Russian in nature is that of a transition towards a green economy: the digital transformation has become particularly important to national COVID-19 crisis recovery strategies. Potential difficulties facing the environmental industry following the departure of foreign developers is causing concern at the moment.

“It is important that we recognize that an essential component of every state’s environmental policy is the training of competent specialists capable of coping with environmental problems of various complexity and scale. IT should be mentioned. Modern digital technologies are developing very rapidly and can be found in every type of business. IT is helping companies transition to an advanced model of eco-friendly production, meaning one that uses safe materials and intelligent systems,” Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Government and Northern Affairs, Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and Representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass Dmitry Kuzmin said.

The ‘Going Digital: Making Ecology and IT Work Together’ session will bring together government, NPO, and business representatives to answer a number of different questions. What global best practices in eco-monitoring should be adopted in Russia? What measures should be taken to stimulate the production of domestic eco-monitoring equipment? What changes to regulations are needed to increase environmental monitoring data?

“The government plans to fully digitalise the environmental sector. Specific plans include the complete digitalisation of interaction between business entities, the state, and the populace. Dialogue between the public and the authorities is needed to resolve environmental issues, and it’s leading to the creation of new digital services,” Deputy Director General of REO for Digitalization Alexei Burov said.

The 10th Nevsky International Ecological Congress is being organized by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, with the Roscongress Foundation operating the event.

The Congress Organizing Committee is being chaired by the Speaker of the Federation Council and Chair of the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States Valentina Matvienko and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Viktoria Abramchenko.

Business programme events will be broadcast on the following official websites: Nevsky International Ecological CongressFederation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian FederationIPA CISRoscongress FoundationVmeste-RF TV channel, as well as on the social media accounts of the Congress organizers.

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