‘Planet Earth: Living in Harmony with Nature’ has been chosen as the slogan for the 11th Nevsky International Ecological Congress, scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg on 22–23 May 2025.
Business discussions will tackle the environmental agenda’s most pressing issues, from policy on environmental safety and compliance to improving and harmonizing environmental legislation and everything in between.
“The effective management of natural resources and environmental protection are national priorities for Russia. Our foreign colleagues could learn from our experience with environmental legislation and mitigation, and the experience of Russia’s constituent entities will be on full display at the Congress. We plan to discuss the most pressing environmental issues as part of the business programme. Many environmental projects now being implemented are the fruit of recommendations made at the Nevsky Congress. It is precisely to attain practical results of this kind that we have been working,” Speaker of the Federation Council and Co-Chair of the Congress Organizing Committee Valentina Matvienko said.
The highlight of the 11th Nevsky International Ecological Congress will be the plenary session ‘Ecology of the New Paradigm: Challenges and Opportunities’.
“If we are to ensure sustainable development and preserve quality of life on this planet, we must strike a balance between humans and nature. A new 2025 national project aimed at Ecological Wellbeing kicked off the beginning of a new era of environmental awareness and sustainable development in Russia. The project is an important step towards ensuring a more environmentally friendly future for our children and grandchildren, and we owe it to them to leave this planet as alive and beautiful as it was when we received it,” Adviser to the Russian President and Executive Secretary of the Congress Organizing Committee Anton Kobyakov said.
Wide-reaching environmental measures, the rational use of natural resources, and greater environmental awareness are needed to preserve the natural balance. And the challenges nature poses are accompanied by new opportunities to develop sustainable technologies, change consumer habits, and create a new economic model better suited to protecting the planet.
The 11th Nevsky International Ecological Congress will be attended by representatives of government authorities, business circles, companies interested in implementing environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable business practices, environmental activists and experts, and scientists working to mitigate the effects of climate change, conserve biodiversity, and develop new technologies among other fields of environmental science.
The environmental situation on the planet requires the contribution of every country, for it is only through a combined effort that we will rise to the challenge and seize the opportunities of the new environmental reality. The Congress business programme will focus in particular on international dialogue and exchange of experience and ideas and a search for solutions that involves the international environmental community.
The 11th Nevsky International Ecological Congress is being organized by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, and the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The Roscongress Foundation is managing the event.