Russia water map

Siberian Coal Energy Company

Siberian Coal Energy Company is Russia's largest coal producer and one of the biggest coal mining companies in the world. SUEK operates in seven regions across Siberia and the Far East. SUEK employs approximately 33,000 people.

SUEK today - 17 opencast and 12 underground mines, 7 washing plants, Vanino Bulk Terminal, Murmansk Commercial Sea Port and other industrial transportation, maintenance and engineering facilities.

SUEK is the world's fifth-largest coal company in terms of reserves, with 5.9 billion tonnes, and one of the world's top ten producers by volume.

In 2010, the production volume was 98,9 million tons. SUEK accounts more than 27,5% of Russia's total coal production.

SUEK is the leading exporter of Russian coal. SUEK's share of the total volume of Russian coal exports is about 27%. 

Official website